Percentage Calculator

Percentage Calculator - free online tool to calculate percentages

What is the percentage increase/decrease:
% is an online percentage calculator. Which, allows you to quickly calculate most common percentage calcualtions. All you have to do is write values in boxes and click "Calculate".
You can also find full percentage formula if you need to know how to use it yourself.

Why use our simple online percentage calculator?

You will find percentages everywhere. Whether you:
  • take a loan,
  • receive an interest rates,
  • you want to know what the price is after the discount,
  • describing an economy
  • showing unemployment rate
  • calculating a salary increase
percentages are there.
Percentages are a good way of describing many real life cases.
However, calculating the percentages can be confusing. And that’s the reason we created our simple tool.

Our Online Percentage Calculator is optimised for mobile devices

and it can be used everywhere you go. You can check the price after discount when shopping with few simple clicks. is an app which many people use everyday.

If you have any questions or suggestions please use let us know via our contact form. We will be happy to answer your need.

Percent vs percentage point?
It’s important to mention, because there are many confusions about it.
There are two terms describing change of percentage. First one is: The population growth rate over the decade has increased by 10%. If the rate was 20% and it increased by 10%. The current rate is now 22%. 20 * (10/100) = 22 The second one is: The population growth rate over the decade has increased by 10 Percentage Points. If the rate was 20% and it increased by 10 percentage points mean the rate is now 30%. 20 + 10 = 20